Planning Commission

The planning commission  consist of seven (7) members, to be appointed by the mayor, with the advice and consent of the city council, from the residents of the city. Every even numbered year, in the month of January, the mayor, with the advice and consent of the city council, shall appoint members of said commission, for a term of four (4) years. The terms shall be staggered in such a manner that no fewer than two (2) and no more than three (3) terms expire in a given year. All terms expire on January 1 in the applicable year.

Term: Each member of the planning commission shall serve until the expiration of the term for which they are appointed or until their successor is appointed and qualified. At the expiration of each term, new appointments shall be promptly made in the same manner as original appointment as provided in this section.

Vacancy: Any vacancy occurring during an unexpired term, due to death, resignation or removal from appointment, shall be promptly filled by the mayor, with the advice and consent of the city council, for the unexpired portion of the term.

Alternates: Two (2) alternate members of the planning commission may be selected in the same manner and for the same length of time as a regular member. The alternate member may sit in for a full time member of the commission, at the request of the chairperson, when the full time member is not able to be in attendance. The alternate may only vote at such time as they are acting for the full time member. (Ord. 041701, 4-17-2001)

Vice Chairman
801-829-3461 Ext. 1